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02.11.25 Tuesday
The Evolution of Bow Hunting
By: Bushmen Safaris

People in Africa invented hunting bows and arrows, probably about 64,000 years ago. Some of the earliest arrowheads come from South Africa. Then as people spread from Africa to India, Australia, all over Asia, and Europe, they took their bows and arrows with them. Bows and arrows finally made their way to North America around 3,000 B.C. Native Americans started using bows to hunt in North America. It is believed that they got their bow technology from the Tuniit, and it spread from there across the Americas.

The first bows were longbows that were followed up by the invention of the recurve. They could shoot farther with these than they could with the longbows they had used for so long.

Fast forward to the 1960s and you have the invention of the first compound bow as a result of an increased interest for bow hunting. If you love the modern version of bow hunting, you owe some thanks to a gentleman named Holless Wilbur Allen, Jr. for sawing the ends off of a recurve and adding pulleys to each end. Without him, who knows where archery would have gone? We might still all be shooting recurves.

Please contact Dani Anderson at 208.322.5902 or [email protected] to book your hunting trip or learn more Bushmen Safaris.

Portions of this article originally appeared on Go Hunt website.

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