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02.11.25 Tuesday
Blue Wildebeest Hunts in South Africa
By: Bushmen Safaris

One of the species available to take down at the Bushmen Safaris wildlife conservancy in South Africa is the Blue Wildebeest.

The Blue Wildebeest, also known as Brindled Gnu, are some of the bigger animals that can be hunted. The Blue Wildebeest is a large, bearded antelope native to the acacia savanna and short grass plains that is often referred to as the “poor man’s” buffalo. Blue Wildebeests have dark stripes on their throat and on their sides. They live all over in the open savannah of southern Africa. They are social creatures and live-in groups of 20 to 40 animals, sometimes in larger herds, the members of which are usually cows and calves, led by a bull. And there are herds consisting exclusively of bachelor bulls.

Blue Wildebeest hunting is usually better carried out in the early morning or late afternoon. A knowledge of their feeding and watering habits is a distinct advantage. They are renowned for their incredible toughness and have an ability to take a lot of punishment without lying down and dying, making good shot placement is crucial.

The blue wildebeest is just one of the many species available to hunt on Bushmen Safaris 22,000-acre ranch in South Africa. For more information, please visit or contact us at 208.322.5902 or [email protected] to learn more about bowhunting in South Africa with Bushmen Safaris.

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